We think Rhia is pretty funny and talented, which is why she now has her own channel:

Rhia TV!


Rhia's Homework...

Rhia's homework, found in our guest room on October 28, 2012.
I think it's kinda cute--


"Ladybugs," by Rhia, age 6

Rhia drew this picture for her Grandma Jennifer, who really loves it.

I like the way the ladybugs crawl on the rainbow!

Rhia is very talented!

"Daddy, Grandma Jennifer, and Rhia," by Rhia, Age 5

"The Orioles," by Rhia, age 6

Rhia knows that her Grandpa Jerry loves the Orioles.

"Shadow and Friends," by Rhia, age 6

Rhia draws Shadow the Cat, Grandpa Duff, and Grandma Casey.

"Robbie Gordon's Car," by Rhia, age 6

I asked Rhia to draw a picture for her daddy, a picture that shows something he likes.

Daddy likes NASCAR's Robbie Gordon (Number 7).

"Candy," by Rhia. age 6

Rhia went Trick or Treating last night, dressed as a Ladybug, so she decided to draw her costume.

She has titled her own work.

She got lots of candy; she gave away the kind that she doesn't like a lot.

So far today, Rhia has drawn three pictures, and I think another one is in progress.

She is quite artistic today!

"Park," by Rhia (age 6)

"Flying," by Rhia (age 6)

Rhia TV Presents: Rhia in Europe!


Rhia singing "The Climb" (Miley Cyrus)

Yes, Rhia sang this song throughout her visit to Macedonia--on the top of Kale (Skopje, Macedonia), all the way to Greece, and in Grandma and Grandpa's flat. But we didn't mind. We just wish she and her daddy Eric could have stayed longer.

And where is Mutley, Fred Flintstone, and the Boy Elroy?

On Boomerang!

Rhia being goofy and fun

Rhia with Grandpa Jerry (On Kale, Skopje, Macedonia)