We think Rhia is pretty funny and talented, which is why she now has her own channel:

Rhia TV!


"Ladybugs," by Rhia, age 6

Rhia drew this picture for her Grandma Jennifer, who really loves it.

I like the way the ladybugs crawl on the rainbow!

Rhia is very talented!

"Daddy, Grandma Jennifer, and Rhia," by Rhia, Age 5

"The Orioles," by Rhia, age 6

Rhia knows that her Grandpa Jerry loves the Orioles.

"Shadow and Friends," by Rhia, age 6

Rhia draws Shadow the Cat, Grandpa Duff, and Grandma Casey.

"Robbie Gordon's Car," by Rhia, age 6

I asked Rhia to draw a picture for her daddy, a picture that shows something he likes.

Daddy likes NASCAR's Robbie Gordon (Number 7).

"Candy," by Rhia. age 6

Rhia went Trick or Treating last night, dressed as a Ladybug, so she decided to draw her costume.

She has titled her own work.

She got lots of candy; she gave away the kind that she doesn't like a lot.

So far today, Rhia has drawn three pictures, and I think another one is in progress.

She is quite artistic today!

"Park," by Rhia (age 6)

"Flying," by Rhia (age 6)